Cover Art
I've got some of the best fans in the
world...I'm sure all the bards say that but I really mean it.<G> Here's a few
covers that my fans, who also have creative talent, have sent me for my stories. To read the story just click on
the picture.

From Calli

From XenaArtMaker

This is the cover art for
a Virtual Season Seven script I wrote for February 2002.

From Sorcia my former

From Michelle

From Michelle

From Michelle

From Xena Art Maker

From Xena Art Maker
If you know of any more
out there that's not listed here let me know where to find them if you would.
And if you have one to donate by all means send it along and I'll post it up
Tales of Romance©. All Rights Reserved. Photos created by CN Winters unless
otherwise noted. Use with permission only. Thanks!