CN's Other
There's more to CN than just writing
Xena Fan Fiction...okay not MUCH more...but I do have a few other outside
Caldron of Fan Fiction is dedicated to reforming Wicca and Buffy, Vamp
Slayer, sidekick Willow Rosenberg (What is it with me and my love of
sidekicks?). You can find fiction with any character but Willow is always the
main focus on this site. I do take submissions of fan fiction from other
authors too so if you're a Buffy fan/bard as well as a Xena fan check it out.
Ultimate Fan Fiction Directory is house to one of the largest fan
fiction directories in the Xenaverse if not fandom's in general. After 6 years
and going strong the UFFD, as it's been nicknamed, is run by myself, Barry
Marshall and Heartbrkn Bard (who happen to be two close friends and great bards
to boot! ) We're currently going through a major reconstruction with plans of
finishing Feb. 2003 with a new look and new links.
Tales of Romance©. All Rights Reserved. Photos created by CN Winters unless
otherwise noted. Use with permission only. Thanks!